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​" Anyone can draw well. A good drawing is only 10% of a work of art. The attitude of the bastard who creates it is 90% of a masterpiece ! "
- Danny Ayala​


Painting in the Mission SF.jpg

​About the Artist


Hola my name is Danny Ayala.

I'm a visual artist ,born in Mexico City.

I am an Artist whose inspiration is mainly Humans and Nature, It's the main source of energy in the works that I do . It  comes in many forms,from the vegetables, cannabis and flowers in my garden,to the people that works and sleeps in the streets of the city. In my work, I find myself interwined with. My work is a humble attempt to mix this wisdom, truth, both light and dark, natural human expresion, and translate it onto a canvas. Therein lays the essence of my work.

The materials that I use in my artwork are as diverse as the stories that I draw from. My art is mostly an experimentation, and consist of reclaimed materials,such as construction paint, wood or metal , reused canvas, and other new materials. Often times I use objects that have seemingly have nothing to do with the work itself,but they have a history,making a different puzzle for each viewer.

It is thanks to the freedom I have found in using many kinds of mediums,and through my own and shared experiences,which allows me to paint different styles of Art. The form my art takes can range from painting on a simple coin to painting murals in the Mission District in SF. My form of expression draws from realms of art,from surrealism to abstract, which has helped to form what I consider my own style : "Painting as a Child".

I invite you to explore the world as I see it,and hope that you come away with the curiosities and confusion,the joy and wonderment , of a Child.

Saludos por ahora y siempre :

Danny Ayala​


Guerneville CA .jpg
Oakhella painting.jpg
Danny Ayala Mexican Artist
Baker beach SF.jpg
Smile like you mean it.jpg

@2025 Danny Ayala 

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